
Showing posts with label Advertising. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advertising. Show all posts

Friday, June 20, 2008

Next Gen Advertising – Flogos?????????

Flogos are Flying Logos or Floating logos. As advertiser and marketers need to find a new way or concept of advertising then flogos is the best option of advertising.

You can say advertising in air. Advertisers are always thinking of new ways to advertise and there’s no stopping them from doing anything that technology allows. It seems like they’d jump into an idea whenever their imaginations meet reality.

A new company is making floating advertisements out of plant-based foams and helium gases. As if there isn’t enough advertising pollution (no, I don’t mean environmental type pollution, these are purportedly eco-friendly) out there. Not enough space on billboards? Let’s put ads in the sky!

Gives “cloudwatching” a whole new meaning.

See the video and think about the next advertisement campaign with this.

You can take flogo machine on rent….I think its also cheap way of advertising which make people excites.

See the below video in which flogo is ejected in every 20 seconds. How machine ejected and flogo get fly in sky.

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